Forensics Tools

Dissecting Attack Artifacts!

At some point the c-Champions will need to provide technical resources to the network engineers and stakeholder managers. This section of the Toolkit provides a listing of various cyber threat hunting tools for the technical analysts within stakeholder organizations. Below are a series of hotlinks and short descriptions of digital forensics tools.

Memory Analysis Workshop – Tutorial on Memory Forensics. (Welcome to Rekall Memory Forensics We can remember it for you wholesale! (n.d.). Retrieved December 26, 2016, from

Memory Forensics Cheat Sheet – Rekall Memory Forensics Cheat Sheet. (Rekall Memory Forensics Cheat Sheet. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2021, from )

Finding Advanced Malware Using Volatility – “In this article you will learn to detect advance malware infection in memory using a technique called ‘Memory Forensics’ and you will also learn to use Memory Forensic Toolkits such as Volatility to detect advanced malware with a real case scenario”. Retrieved June 19, 2021, from

Malware Memory Forensics – Learn how to use Memory Forensics to analyze memory artifacts. (Talekar, N. (n.d.). Malware Memory Forensics | Retrieved December 26, 2016, from

Building a Malware Analysis Lab – Building a Home Lab to Become a Malware Hunter – A Beginner’s Guide. (Building a Home Lab to Become a Malware Hunter – A Beginner’s Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved December 26, 2016, from